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Building a Clinical Research Program
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Jan 18, 2022 01:00 PM

During the 2-hour live webinar, featured presenters will be joined by a panel of subject matter experts to discuss the essential ingredients for developing a sustainable clinical research program - and what common pitfalls to avoid along the way. The webinar is a great primer for individuals who are new to clinical research and for experienced practitioners seeking a refresher! Please Note: A recording of the workshop will be made available to all who register. Featured Presenters: - Neal Thomas, MD, MSc, Associate Dean for Clinical Research - Chris Sciamanna, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine and Public Health Sciences - Mitchell Machtay, MD, FACR FASTRO Associate Dean for Clinical Cancer Research Panel of Subject Matter Experts: - Tom Brydebell, Director of Grants Administration, Office of Research Affairs - Deaven Hough, Project Manager Marketing & Communications - Liz Galgocy, RN, MEd, CIP - Director of Human Research Trials, RQA - Sara Horn, BS, CIP - IRB Director, Human Research Protection Program